
Stuffed Potatoes


Potatoes (1 per person)
Cheddar, jack, and/or jalapeno cheese
Bacon bits, ground beef, and/or cubed ham
Green onions, peas, and/or broccoli florets
Salt, pepper, Mexican and/or Cajun seasonings

1. Wash and prick the potatoes with a fork, then wrap them in tin foil and bake in the oven for about one hour. You can use a fork to check if they are done.

2. While the potatoes are baking, prepare your stuffings. Shred, cut, and cook each ingredient. Put each into it's own bowl or serving container.

3. Serve each guest a potato in a bowl or on a plate, and let them help themselves to the stuffings you've provided!

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Page Created on 7/26/97
Updated on 1/08/02